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Expressions of interest to join the Communications Reference Team (CRT)



The National Rural Women’s Coalition (NRWC) is dedicated to ensuring that it represents, engages and is a collaborative voice for a diverse range of rural women. To achieve our vision to ‘support and grow vibrant rural, remote and regional communities throughout Australia’ the Communications Reference Team (CRT) acts as a critical tool that empowers women to lead, to advocate and to build their skills and networks, while promoting the important work of the NRWC. The CRT highlights the important work of women across regional, rural and remote (RRR) communities, and helps to generate awareness of, and implement, the NRWC’s strategic objectives.


The purpose of this Terms of Reference (TORs) document is to outline the role, objectives and expectations of the CRT. It applies to Directors, contractors and CRT volunteers. The TORs are reviewed biannually or as directed by the Board.


The CRT’s role is to lead and grow the NRWC’s digital and traditional communications, support and promote the NRWC’s strategic directions and build the profile of the NRWC and rural women. The CRT should:

  • Promote, support and help implement the NRWC’s projects and programs, by sharing information with new and existing organisations, networks and individuals.
  • Support the NRWC execute communications by providing advice, communications content and expertise – i.e. sharing content (as below), for the NRWC contractor to promote through online channels.
  • Be an advocate to help increase the engagement and representation of women living or working in RRR areas in decision-making and leadership.
  • Identify and connect the NRWC with RRR women, facilitating two-way dialogues to inform the work of the NRWC and importantly, boost the profile of RRR women – i.e. through women of influence projects.
  • Review and help develop relevant communications strategies and provide recommendations to the Board and contractors about optimal communications techniques, platforms, branding and policies (i.e. the social media policy).
  • Develop relationships and/or be representative of diverse groups of women across Australia, including LGBTIQ+, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, women from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds and women with disabilities, to ensure these groups are represented in NRWC communications.
  • Importantly, the CRT should bring together a diverse group of RRR women to help build CRT members’ governance, communications and leadership expertise, as well as their networks.


It is the responsibility of the NRWC to ensure that:

  • Contractors, Directors and Members are aware of these TORs;
  • Any breaches of the Terms of Reference come to the attention of the President.
  • Each member of the CRT is responsible for their actions and must abide by the TORs.
  • Under the Direction of the NRWC Board, the CEO (or an identified delegate) remains the manager of all NRWC communications, including social media.
  • The entire committee must read, understand and abide by the NRWC Communication and Social Media Policy.
  • CRT should regularly review its own internal communications to ensure they are transparent, inclusive and effective for all members.


  • CRT members agree to participate in NRWC program activities.
  • Complete all on-boarding documents as requested by the NRWC.
  • Agree to provide a photo and short bio to be used on NRWC website.
  • Attend monthly meetings.
  • Missing 2 consecutive meetings without approval of the NRWC may cause removal from the group.
  • Missing more than 3 meetings in a year without approval of the NRWC may cause removal from the group.
  • CRT members agree with the core values of the NRWC: diversity and equality, empowerment, innovation, participation and professionalism.


The committee will be comprised of:

  • At least one NRWC Representative who shall act as facilitator and link between activities and the Committee e.g. the CEO.
  • Up to 12 other women living, in Rural, Regional and Remote Australia.
  • CRT members represent the wonderful diversity of RRR Australia. NRWC encourages women with disabilities, First Nation Women, migrant & refugee women, women over 18 years, non-binary people, and gender diverse people to apply

Note: NRWC President and CEO are ex-officio members of all sub-committees.


Terms of appointment will vary between one and two years with a discretionary additional term of one year.

  • The CEO along with the NRWC Selection Committee will determine the optimal number of members of the CRT committee, this may fluctuate as required.
  • Advertising vacancies on the committee for membership will occur either in the third quarter of each financial year or as vacancies or need occur.
  • The CRT meet on an as needs basis as determined by the CEO a minimum of six times per year.
  • CRT Members are expected to attend all meetings. Members who miss three will be asked to meet with the CEO to discuss their ongoing ability to participate and any support required.
  • CRT Members missing 2 consecutive meetings without approval from the NRWC CEO may cause removal from the group and will require a meeting with the CEO to discuss their ongoing ability to participate and any support required.
  • If CRT Members cannot attend a meeting, they should provide 48 hours’ notice to the CEO.
  • A calendar of meetings will be agreed to at the first meeting of the appointed CRT Members and reminders will be posted on the closed FB page and via email, or into the Message Group.
  • Meetings will occur via teleconference or Zoom.
  • Every meeting should have an agenda and be minuted for those who are unable to attend. Minutes should include a short feed back to be included in the NRWC Board Meeting papers.
  • Sub-committees may form to work as required on individual projects, and these sub-committees may meet independently of the committee. However, they should report back to the CEO and the rest of the committee at each CRT meeting.


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PO Box 474 Gunnedah NSW 2380

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Phone: 0455 844 101

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ACN: 151 707 158

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